Thiess Degrémont Nacap Pipeline Joint Venture

~ $5M

Services Rendered

Type of Service: Technical/Professional Services Contract

Services Provided: Material analysis, quality control testing & associated site investigation works


  • Investigative drilling for complex pipe crossings and ground conditions
  • Drilling and Installation of Earthing rods for HVAC cabling
  • Drilling and Installation of Groundwater monitoring wells
  • Environmental drilling and soil sampling for Acid sulphate soil assessment and installation of pre pack monitoring wells.
  • Provide geotechnical compaction control testing for 85km of pipeline and power cabling
  • Set-up of NATA accredited annex testing facility
  • HVAC backfill compliance density field and laboratory testing
  • HVAC thermal resistivity assessment and testing
  • Laboratory testing for CBR, Permeability, Particle Size Distribution,
    Atterberg Limits, Shear Strength, Shrink Swell testing, UCS testing,
    confined pressure and Triaxial
  • Provide geotechnical reports for crane pad set-up for pipeline alignment testing
  • Live web-based data storage system for all project data
  • Project Orbit
  • Integrated approach

Victorian Desalination Pipeline Project

An 85 kilometre pipeline to connect the Wonthaggi Desalination Plant to Melbourne’s water supply system, and a largely co-located (within the one easement) HVAC transmission line with the power supply infrastructure for the plant. The plant is intended to provide up to 150 gigalitres of additional water per year, with the potential to expand production to 200 gigalitres per year.

The Victorian Desalination Pipeline Alignment is an extensive and ongoing project that commenced in January 2010. The primary goal is to connect the Wonthaggi Desalination Plant, located on Victoria’s Bass Coast, to Melbourne’s water supply system through an 85-kilometer pipeline. Simultaneously, a HVAC transmission line, largely co-located within the same easement, is being established to power the plant.

The desalination plant aims to supplement Melbourne’s water supply, initially with an additional 150 gigalitres of water annually, but with the potential to increase production to 200 gigalitres per year. This project represents a significant investment in Victoria’s water infrastructure, with the associated contract valued at approximately $5M.

The services provided encompass a broad range of technical and professional expertise. This includes comprehensive material analysis, quality control testing, and on-site investigation work. Specific tasks involve investigative drilling for complex pipe crossings, environmental drilling and soil sampling, installation of earthing rods and groundwater monitoring wells, geotechnical compaction control testing for the entire length of the pipeline and power cabling, and setting up a NATA accredited annex testing facility.

The project also leverages modern technology through a live web-based data storage system for real-time access to all project data, ensuring transparency and efficient progress tracking.

Michael Finn – Project Engineer – Transfer Pipeline & Power
Thiess Degrémont Nacap – Victorian Desalination Project Pipeline

“As the year comes to an end, I just wanted to say thank you for the year that you all have just put down. The professionalism and technical support that you have shown throughout the year have been a testament to you as individuals and to the Chadwick Geotechnics brand as a whole.
Project Orbit has proven to be a big success from both the project point of view and no doubt for Chadwick Geotechnics moving forward to large projects.”